My Story: Before Nu-V

I’m a Mum of 5-kids, I guess I’m lucky because before my 4th child I would snap back in to shape down below really easily. It was only a few years ago that I noticed when I coughed or laughed I would have a leakage.

Sometimes I would skip drinking water as I thought maybe that would let me try to control it but it never did. I felt I had to be racing to the toilet because I would struggle to hold it in.

Even sex I would avoid as I knew it was different, and when I tried to do my pelvic floor exercises it was hard to clench.

I’m 28-years old and have had 5 large babies but I thought as I was young I would be able to get to pick up the strength to do my pelvic floors to make them strong again. But after my 5th I just couldn’t.

I felt so down, depressed I worried invade I wasn’t pleasing my partner, my own sexual feeling went. I used to have shooting pains like something was poking me inside.  I didn’t want to turn to my doctor (he’s a male) and I honestly thought there would be nothing they could do except surgery.

So I started Googling and checking prices for surgical procedures, mainly asking for people to call me back. In January 2016, Aly a nurse from The Women’s Health Clinic, called to tell me they do a laser called Nu-V, do I want a consultation, yes please I said! She explained Nu-V is a laser that lasers tiny wounds inside and out side of your vagina making your body produce collagen which allows the skin to have elastic back in, making your vagina feel more tight and younger. It takes between 15 and 25 minutes to have this procedure and you can go back to work the same day just allow no sex for 4 days. Easy! So I booked in…

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